Sunday 21 January 2024

Campaign as presented by Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy

The Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy magazine is a bi-monthly magazine, available on the high street (WH. Smiths in the UK) that covers figure wargaming.

Each month, it has an on-line article that supports the theme of that issue, which this issue (No 128) happens to be the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Anyone can access the on-line article and I have put a link at the foot of this post for your convenience.

The look and style of the article is identical to that found in the magazine, so if you have not come across the magazine before, the on-line article might encourage you to order the latest (or previous) issue for a bit of a look-see at this publication.

Anyway, it is a 4 page download that gives guidance and a map for running a French / Austrian campaign (1796) covering Northern Italy in the Rivoli region.

I don't usually cover these sort of things on the blog, but I wanted to draw your attention to this because it is a perfect example of putting a campaign together and playing it out.

You can swap out the period for one of your choice and it could easily see a fantasy campaign replace the historical one.

For my own gaming, I want this year's games to be a bit more linked up, with campaigning and themes being prominent, so I will be using this model for something, I am just not sure what yet, though it does seem perfect for doing something around South Mountain (ACW 1862) with the choke points such as Fox's Gap nicely doing what Idro - Salo / Marco - Rivoli / Primarily - Bassano passes are doing on the WSS campaign map.

Anyway, I hope this is of some use to you and that you at least enjoy the dowloaded article.

I always buy this on the high street, but I think that this is the issue that will make me jump on a subscription for the magazine.

Resource Section.

The campaign as presented by Wargames Soldiers & Strategy. Link

My sister webspace ‘COMMANDERS’  showcases the various figure and boardgame systems that I am enjoying and gives a flavour of where current projects are up to. Link.