Monday, 15 August 2022

Warning Order issue 60 is now out.

Warning Order is a superb free online wargame magazine, goodness knows how much effort goes into getting each issue out, but if you download it and enjoy, please consider hitting the donate button on the front page of the website - Link below.

The exciting part of this issue is part 3 of the One Day Campaign game that I mentioned in a recent post - Link below.

This issue provides the reader with a ready built campaign, including maps and orders of battle. Plus there are a ton of other goodies included in the mag, a good cover-to-cover read, ideal as I am a little tied up with hospital stuff at the moment, so plenty to read is good - thank you Matt!

Just head over to the below link and click on the small thumbnail for issue 60.

Resource Section.

Warning Orders download and donate page. LINK

Earlier post on the campaign article. LINK

My sister webspace COMMANDERS is being re-configured to showcase various figure and boardgame systems that I am enjoying and give a flavour of where current ongoing projects are up to. Link.