Friday 22 March 2024

A message to all bloggers re spam

Daily, I go into my dashboard, to see who has posted a comment and on which post, because I get a variety of comments left on legacy posts and this is the only way to do a quick sweep to be able to find them all and to respond, as I do to all who comment.

It is also a good way to pick up spammers, who like to tag onto legacy posts in the hope that they pass the blogger undetected.

Anyway, I have just done my daily check and have 2 legitimate comments on my last post (thank you) and TWENTY NINE! Spam comments by someone (or a bot?) called Dramacool, sitting on my Christmas 2023 post.

I am only posting this, so that bloggers are minded to check back into their own blogs;

Just go into DESIGN on your dashboard at the top right of your blog and then click on COMMENTS.

You can deal with the spam by clicking on the comment BUT NOT ON THE LINK IN THE COMMENT and then marking it as spam.

I am surprised that the Google software, which seems to have been quite good recently has allowed so many repeat episodes from a single spammer that has links embedded on every entry.

I am not keen on moderation and I don’t even know if moderation deters a spammer or whether they still post anyway and you still have to manually clear it all out (can anyone tell me?).

I am minded to treat this as a one-off occurrence and just see how we go, but I am close to being minded to turn to moderation, which I think is like having a bath with ‘yer wellies on’ or just turning comments off altogether, if I am still left with having to clear the stuff, though the latter does leave something of a soulless blog.

I also note that my viewing figures from one part of the world, who have never really been significant in my viewing list, has gone through the roof, so maybe there is a link between the two matters ….. or perhaps I have a whole new wargame fan base that just wants to read every legacy post I have ever made :-)

Anyway, I am only posting this to alert other bloggers who may want to check that their earlier posts have not been targeted. We all get a bit of spam, that is just part of what we do, but 29 spam hits in one straight go is exceptional and this poster / bot may prove to become a menace.

Fortunately, I am playing a face-to-face section of the Austerlitz battle tonight … so calm has already  been restored :-)

EDIT - Another 29 spam posts from the same spammer, but on a different post (25th March).

Resource Section.

My sister webspace ‘COMMANDERS’  showcases the various figure and boardgame systems that I am enjoying and gives a flavour of where current projects are up to. Link.